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Node seismic monitoring - landslide monitoring
Last-Release:2024-06-20 13:47:08 Font Size:T|T
Landslides, a major type of geological hazard. It is the sliding geological phenomenon of the slope rock and soil mass along the penetrating shear failure surface, commonly found in the bank slope areas of rivers, lakes (reservoirs), seas, and ditches, canyon areas with large terrain height differences, and slope sections of mountainous areas, railways, highways, and engineering buildings.
In traditional landslide monitoring, equipment such as GNSS, inclinometers, and rain gauges are commonly used to assess landslide risk through direct observation of changes in physical quantities.
With the popularity of micro motion methods, deploying node seismometers in landslide areas for a long time and monitoring the elastic wave velocity changes of landslide bodies through micro motion signals has become a new dynamic landslide monitoring method.
The node seismometer is an application for monitoring natural disasters such as landslides/debris flows, which can monitor their vibration characteristics for a long time and provide important data support for landslide analysis. PROMISING GEOPHYSICS SDN.BHD provides landslide micro motion signal monitoring equipment. Node seismometer.

The Node series is a high-precision intelligent node seismometer. Its main characteristics are as follows:
  • Wireless management, parameter configuration and real-time monitoring
  • Unmanned autonomous collection
  • Built in time synchronization system, battery, and large capacity memory
  • The entire system is lightweight and durable, with an IP68 protection level and a compact appearance design, suitable for harsh outdoor environments.
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