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MRA Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Rock Sample Analyzer
Last-Release:2024-06-20 15:04:34 Font Size:T|T

I. Product Introduction

The MRA Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Rock Sample Analyzer is a laboratory equipment utilizing nuclear magnetic resonance technology, applied in NMR logging, water content change measurement, and core scanning analysis. Employing nuclear magnetic resonance measurement technology, the MRA can rapidly and accurately identify the locations of oil and gas reservoirs in drilling operations, while also precisely measuring tiny samples of drill cuttings and hydrocarbons extracted through drilling.

II. Key Features

  1. Higher stability, sensitivity, and accuracy. Measurable parameters include: porosity, permeability, oil saturation, bound water, movable fluid, movable water, T2 relaxation time spectrum, movable fluid cutoff value, etc.
  2. The magnet adopts a new fan-free high-precision temperature control technology, ensuring noise-free operation, high temperature control accuracy, and improved instrument stability.
  3. Modular design, providing possibilities for future upgrades and replacements.
  4. Brand-new Windows-based control software with enhanced functions, including instrument information display, instrument debugging, calibration, core sample measurement, relaxation spectrum analysis and processing, report generation, excel-formatted report output, and printing capabilities.

III. Technical Specifications:

MRA-A Model
Pulse Frequency: 5MHZ
Magnetic Field Strength: 1200Gauss
Frequency Accuracy: 0.01HZ
RF Transmission Power: 75W
Linearity: 99.9%
RF Phase Change: 4
Probe Diameter: 25.4mm
Effective Detection Area: 25mm×35mm
Pulse Sequence: CPMG
Signal Reception Method: Digital Quadrature
Maximum Echo Count: 8000
Minimum Echo Time: 150ms
System Control Method: USB Interface Control
Control Software: Windows Application
MRA-B Model
Pulse Frequency: 5MHZ
Magnetic Field Strength: 1200Gauss
(Several typical cross-polarization pulse sequence timing diagrams and experimental results)
Frequency Accuracy: 0.01HZ
RF Transmission Power: 300W
Linearity: 99.9%
RF Phase Change: 4
Probe Diameter: 120mm
Effective Detection Area: 100mm×80mm (38mm×80mm, 25mm×80mm accessories optional)
Pulse Sequence: CPMG
Signal Reception Method: Digital Quadrature
Maximum Echo Count: 8000
Minimum Echo Time: 150ms
System Control Method: USB Interface Control
Control Software: Windows Application

IV. MC-LAB Software

MC-LAB is the measurement, control, and processing software for the MRA series of nuclear magnetic resonance rock sample analyzers:
  1. Sample classification testing and processing methods. Allows for selecting the appropriate testing method based on different samples and testing requirements, automatically generating relevant results.
  2. File management functions. Conveniently manages files, integrating all data into a single project file, requiring only management of the project file (*.PTmvr).
  3. Data and report printing functions, enabling easy printout.
  4. Report file output as EXCEL file functionality.
  5. Volume input function, eliminating the need for manual calculation and volume input.
  6. Multi-calibration functionality, allowing for the use of multiple calibration files for a single measurement file.
  7. Optimized software algorithms, resulting in more stability and flexibility.
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